A Passion for Rare Earth Elements and Thorium? Want to break a Global Monopoly? We Are Doing It.

Roshni, Rare Earths and Mountains
Plasma Assisted Digestion(TM) - Digestion Stage, post plasma
Plasma Assisted Digestion(TM) – Digestion Stage, post plasma

2023 marks a huge milestone for The Thorium Network and our division the International Plasma Research InstituteTM, or IPRITM. We successfully serviced a number of clients and cracked their inert materials using Plasma Assisted DigestionTM, PADTM.

We did this at indicative costs and time much less than industry standards. Indeed, one client gave us material they are unable to recover anything from. We obtained almost 80% of the precious Rare Earths from the material. That’s case study 3 below.

Here are the summaries of three case studies from some of our work in 2023:

IPRI PAD(TM) Cracking Case Study 1
IPRI PAD(TM) Cracking Case Study 1
IPRI PAD(TM) Cracking Case Study 2
IPRI PAD(TM) Cracking Case Study 2
IPRI PAD(TM) Cracking Case Study 3

Why Plasma to make Rare Earths and Thorium

Our plasma team is the best in the world, covering the United Kingdom, the Middle East, Russia and USA.

Using a proprietary configuration of gases, geometry and plasma, at IPRITM we are able to change the structure of a mineral matrix such that we crack a normally locked, tight crystal mineral lattice, such as monazite or apatite. This makes them quite accessible using mild liquid separation technologies.

The benefit are:

  • Removal of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMS) early from the process. This makes at-mine pre-processing possible before sending off for concentration.
  • Selective separation of element species using different wet conditions by adjusting temperature, pH and time.
  • Separation of low value rare earths, such as cerium, from high value rare earths in minutes.

We are excited by the potential to apply PADTM to other inert mineral structures to explore their viability also.

Here are some research papers from Necsa on Plasma technology that prove the technology.

Separation of Rare Earth Elements

Typical separation of rare earth elements is a capital intensive and expensive operation. With our partners we have PertraXTM. At a fraction of the cost of tradition solvent extraction technologies PertraXTM is able to safely separate rare earths with the smallest of environmental footprints with only a fraction of the hardware and consumables traditionally used. It’s a revolution in rare earth production.

PertraXTM is also part of our activities at IPRITM.

Plasma at Work with Zircon

Expanding Operations in 2023

During 2023, the esteemed and highly experienced scientist Dr. Necdet Aslan joined us at IPRI.tech. Dr. Aslan is Türkiye’s expert in plasma physics and technology and professor at Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Türkiye.

As we move into the future we are excited by the prospects we have to expand our activities. Reach out to us here if you would like to join our illustrious team.

About The Thorium Network

Our objective at The Thorium Network is to Accelerate the Worldwide Adoption of Liquid Fission Thorium Energy. We do that through three main activities:

1) We strive for easy access to Thorium as a fission fuel and focus on Liquid Fission – its technical superiority is unrivalled. The track and trace of nuclear fuels provides a solution for countries to go nuclear faster. Less headaches. This is done in full compliance with international guidelines and country regulations;

2) Raising public awareness to the benefits of Fission. As well as being an innovator of supply chain logistics we are also a public relations group as as advocate Fission Energy;

3) Driving licensing and installation of Fission machines across the world, using our network and access within the industry. For this we include all advanced fission technology, as well of course, Liquid Fission Thorium Burners (LFTBs).

Social Media

Follow us at on our social media:

References and Links

  1. The website of IPRI.tech
  2. First PADTM and IPRITM announcement https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7021353696244420608
  3. https://smi.uq.edu.au/jkmrc-research
  4. https://www.linkedin.com/in/necdetaslan/
  5. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7135939867191988225


#GotThorium #Fission4All #RadiationIsGood4U #NuclearEnergy #Plasma #MineralsProcessing #IPRI #PAD #PertraX

A New You? Changing the Way the World Thinks about Nuclear Energy

Margaret in the Office

Position Vacant – Commercial Director – SAFE Fission Consult(TM)

Greetings fellow earth citizen and prospective new member of The Thorium Network!

At The Thorium Network we have formed, what one chairman at a world nuclear government office once said: “the strongest team he’s ever seen in this field”.

Our name for it is SAFE Fission Consult(TM)

Link: https://TheThoriumNetwork.com/about/services/SAFE-Fission-ConsultTM/

We have a former white house advisor, former heads of industry, and former government nuclear agency director, as well as several high profile people in the Atomic Energy space in the team.

You can see them here (after you’ve requested access).

Link: https://thethoriumnetwork.com/contributions/confidential-documents/

Our focus is African countries – helping achieve energy sovereignty through approaching Atomic Energy in the appropriate way.

About The Job

In your role you’ll be reaching out to presidents, energy ministers, key advisors, business leaders and ensuring the message is getting through. To offer our consulting services, prepare proposals, submit them, negotiate, and secure contracts.

In general you would be responsible for the following:

+ Market research: Gathering and analyzing information about our target market and our competitors.

+ Business development: Identifying and pursuing new business opportunities, such as partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions.

+ Sales and marketing: Developing and implementing marketing strategies and campaigns to promote our services.

+ Pricing: Determining the price points for our services, taking into account market trends and competition.

+ Supply chain management: Negotiating contracts with suppliers, monitoring the delivery of goods and services, and ensuring the efficient flow of materials and products.

+ Customer relationship management: Building and maintaining positive relationships with our customers and addressing any concerns or complaints they may have.

+ Budgeting and financial management: Preparing and monitoring the budget, tracking expenses, and making decisions to allocate resources effectively.

+ Risk management: Identifying and assessing our potential risks, such as economic trends or fluctuations in the market, and developing strategies to mitigate those risks.

+ Negotiation: Representing SAFE Fission Consult(TM) in negotiations with suppliers, customers, and partners, and working to secure favorable terms for us.

+ Team management: Leading and motivating a team of sales and marketing professionals to achieve our goals.

Formal qualifications are not necessary. Just an adequate aptitude to either have the necessary knowledge or to acquire it. Yes, that means you don’t need to be a nuclear engineer or scientist to apply either.

References are essential. At least 3.

This position is preparation for conversion to CEO of this division at a later time.

Reward and compensation is on a commission basis and also with project tokens until the main project is funded.

How to Apply

Apply here.

Link: https://TheThoriumNetwork.com/join-us/

You’ll be applying as “Team Member”, (this is #2 on our Join Us page), so be sure to follow the directions to get to the application form.

You also have to request an access code. Details on how to do that you will find on the web pages also.

About The Thorium Network

More about The Thorium Network and being part of our team.

Team members for the Thorium project are ambitious, conscientious, and passionate about the project and the planet. We play as a team.

How you think is more important than what you do. And as a startup there is lots to do.

Objectives – After Funding

There are the objectives of The Thorium Network:-

1) Our motto is “We Deliver Thorium”, and our objective is to accelerate the adoption of Fission Energy world wide. We strive for easy access to Thorium and focus on Molten Salt Fission Energy Technology powered by Thorium. This is done in full compliance with international guidelines and country regulations;

2) Raising public awareness. As well as being an innovator of supply chain logistics and Fission advocates we are also a public relations group;

3) Driving licensing of Molten Salt Fission Technology across the network, using our network and access within the industry.

Critical and creative thinking on how to achieve our objectives is required.

Being a team member means you will pick up from where we are and contribute to our activities for growth and success.

This is after funding is completed.

Objectives – Before Funding

Before funding is completed, team members use their skill set to help out with our immediate priorities:

1) fundraising;

2) help complete a strong team and bring relevant skills to the table;

3) help with our strategy, planning and operational activities.

Yes, that means there are no salaries for now.

Social Media

We have these social media pages you should study to understand our audience:

LinkTree: Linktr.ee/TheThoriumNetwork

Telegram – t.me/TheThoriumNetwork

Linkedin – linkedin.com/company/TheThoriumNetwork

Twitter – twitter.com/ThoriumNetwork

Instagram – instagram.com/TheThoriumNetwork

Facebook – facebook.com/The.Thorium.Network

Website – TheThoriumNetwork.com

Formal International Connections

Being part of this groundbreaking team means you will have an instant international network to connect with.

To have this representation authority you will have a contract with us. The contract also secures your position pre and post funding.

Interested to join us? Your own personal onboarding process will commence here.

Link: https://TheThoriumNetwork.com/Join-Us/

Flexibility is Key

PS, there are no fixed hours and you work from wherever on the planet you have an internet connection.

We look forward to having you on board.

Best regards,

Jeremiah Josey

Founding Director


We Deliver Thorium


#GotThorium #Fission4All #RadiationIsGood4U #NuclearEnergy

Fission Energy for Across Africa – a Vision of 2050


A Land of Plenty

The African continent is a behemoth of people, resources and potential. The area of the combined 58 countries and regions is 1.8 times larger than Russia; 3 times larger than the European Union; and 84 times larger than Germany. The 1.3 billion people living in Africa (16% of the worlds’ population) have available to them a combined power generating capacity of ~230 GW. This equates to about 1,500 kWh per person per year in energy consumption.

A Billion More People

Over the next 30 years there will be another 1 billion new people born on the African continent. Africa will be the youngest and most dynamic region on earth. With global “peak child” happening in 2014 (a demonstrable fact) the number of children coming to the planet has plateaued and will remain that way for the foreseeable future as societies improve their living standards and reduce the size of families. This is also so in Africa, yet the population will grow no matter what. Furthermore, the African continent will hold more than 3 billion people by 2100.

And energy will be the prime enabler to provide those billions with a decent quality of life.

Improving Lifestyle means Increasing Energy Consumption

South Africa has the highest energy consumption per person, at 4,100 kWh per year. Yet this is still below the 5,500 kWh average across Europe. Further across the continent it is clear that some countries lack basic energy infrastructure to bring energy to their people.

Let’s assume that by 2050 the present average of 1,500 kWh per person per year increases to 3,000 kWh*. Thus the total energy generation capacity becomes almost 800 GW. Thus 570 GW of new power generating capacity is required to be built from now to 2050.

*This means a 50 MW ‘burner’ will produce the energy needed for about 150,000 people.

Sting on Nuclear energy
Sting on Nuclear energy

Avoiding the Renewables Trap

The Africa Renewable Energy Initiative planned to install 10 GW of wind and solar by 2020 (achieved) and 300 GW of wind and solar by 2030. But they are forgetting Germany’s failed 20 year experiment in wind and solar. In Germany, CO2 levels are unchanged and electricity prices have doubled. Now Germany is planning to restart coal fired power stations. The reason is simple. When considering all factors, wind and solar are simply not viable. This is best illustrated by the Energy Return on Investment ratio, or EROI. This bar chart is developed from the Berlin Institute for Solid-State Nuclear Physics (Institut für Festkörper-Kernphysik) and available on the Australian government’s nuclear scientist’s website. The Energy Return on Investment Ratio is a macro level indicator of the overall usefulness of the energy derived from any particular form. How many units of energy can be recovered for each unit of energy expended. The EROI of wind and solar (3.9 and 1.6 respectively) fails miserably when compared to coal (30), gas (28) and existing solid-fuel nuclear fission (75). But our focus is the literal purple elephant in the room – Molten Salt Fission Technology. It’s EROI is 2000 to 1! With such a significant obvious benefit, over all other forms of energy production, it is only a matter of time before the genie is out of the bottle.

Thus as the reality of low value return on wind and solar is realised, Molten Salt Technology (and other small modular reactors using traditional solid fuels) will gain traction to fill the growing requirements of Africa’s energy needs.

A New Paradigm of Industrial Growth

One can imagine a fleet of up to 5,000 small modular Molten Salt Fission machines each with a capacity of 100 MW installed strategically across Africa.  Creating a decentralised, distributed power generation system. Some sites will be larger or smaller than others, driven by  domestic electricity demands. With the power facilities having a fuelled lifespan exceeding 30 years, it is quite easy to see energy as no longer an issue across the African continent.

Integrated Industrial Zone Powered by Molten Salt courtesy of Figes
Integrated Industrial Zone Powered by Molten Salt courtesy of Figes

But it goes further. Whilst reliable 24/7 power from Molten Salt Fission machines provides ample energy for domestic needs, the technology supports industrial growth and development. 1 GW and larger power installations are able to drive industries reliant on both heat and power. Facilities of this size could lead to industrial parks such as the one here envisaged by government energy and industrial development planners in Turkey.

A Positive Future

Africa Blockchain

The people of Africa have a bright future ahead for them. With technologies tried and true from western spheres, the people of Africa can select and choose the most appropriate and most suitable means to improve their quality of life. For themselves and for their children. Molten Salt Fission energy technology is a strong contender for the energy mix of Africa.

CEO and Founder, Mr. Jeremiah Josey

Authored by Jeremiah Josey
Founder and CEO
The Thorium Network

Links and References

  1. African power generation https://www.statista.com/statistics/1229517/installed-renewables-and-fossil-fuels-generation-capacity-in-africa-by-energy-source/
  2. Energy Consumption across Africa https://www.indexmundi.com/facts/indicators/eg.use.elec.kh.pc/map/africa
  3. Hans Rosling, 2015, Why the world population won’t exceed 11 billion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LyzBoHo5EI
  4.  IEA Africa Energy Outlook 2019 https://www.iea.org/reports/africa-energy-outlook-2019
  5. African Renewable Energy Initiative https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1q/k1qnk48vzo
  6. https://stopthesethings.com/2021/04/25/big-backpedal-a-week-after-shutting-its-coal-fired-plants-germany-forced-to-reopen-them/
  7. Australian government nuclear science organisation https://www.ansto.gov.au/our-science/nuclear-fuel-cycle/advanced-nuclear-reactors/evolution-of-molten-salt-reactors
  8. https://figes.com.tr/