
Our Inspiration

Our inspiration comes from Dr. Alvin Weinberg. Dr. Weinberg was a pioneering nuclear physicist, who worked on the Manhattan Project and later became the director of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He also served on the US government’s President’s Science Advisory Committee under both Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy. See our tribute to Dr Alvin Weinberg in our 5 part series, Dr. Alvin M. Weinberg – Father of Thorium Molten Salt.

Part 1 – Dr. Alvin M. Weinberg – Father of Thorium Molten Salt

Part 2 – Dr. Alvin M. Weinberg met JFK multiple times… was that behind moon shot?

Part 3 – Dr. Alvin M. Weinberg, 2004, “After I’m gone…”

Part 4 – Dr Alvin M. Weinberg – A documentary on the life and times

Part 5 – Dr Alvin M. Weinberg’s published works

To make this energy source both clean and extremely cheap, Dr. Weinberg believed the link between nuclear power and nuclear weapons would have to be severed. And the way to break that link was the Thorium Molten Salt Burner.

Richard Martin, MIT Technology Review, 2 August 2016

Now is the Time for Planet Earth

…for everyone to become involved in a worldwide movement to reduce or reverse the effects of climate change.

Now is the time that the merging of technologies makes it possible to make a real impact and benefit to our planet.

For everyone.

Power generation from Liquid Fission Thorium technology combined with blockchain technology seamlessly maximises the advances in both. What is created is transparency and openness for the worldwide energy supply.

This will revolutionise the way energy works in the world and set the scene for many hundreds of years to come.

It can be done.

It has been done before.

We are doing it again.

A Blockchain for Thorium

We have built the world’s first fission fuel delivery energy and management system based on Blockchain or Distributed Ledger Technology. We call it Honey Badger OracleTM.

Honey Badger OracleTM provides transparency, openness, trust and security to energy production for fission from molten salt technology.

Using blockchain technology we are putting the Energy from Thorium into the public domain, forever.

Why use Liquid Thorium?

A properly configured machine that burns Thorium for fuel is called a Liquid Fission Thorium Machine (LFTM) or a Molten Salt Burner (MSB). Heat is generated by burning the Thorium in the fission process. This heat is used to make electricity and heat for industrial processes, like ammonia, hydrogen and desalination. It can also be used for centralised domestic heating systems. Power generators that use Liquid Fission Thorium as their operating mode have three important differences to traditional solid fission uranium fuel power generators:

  • The Thorium fission energy process makes it very difficult to make weapons. It is intrinsically proliferation resistant. The proof is in the pudding: how many of the 10’s of thousands of nuclear weapons presently on Mother Earth have been made with Uranium? All of them. How many have been made with Thorium? None of them.
  • The laws of physics means that Liquid Fission Machines cool themselves down if the fission process somehow speeds up. This is called Doppler Broadening. There are two imporant facts from this:
  • Liquid Fission Thorium Machines can not have a meltdown. Being already liquid, Doppler Broadening is in full effect.
  • Liquid Fission Thorium Machines can not explode nor send material into the environment. They go “plop” if anything leaks. Not “bang”.

There are more than 1,000 years of Thorium supply on our planet, for everyone. Everywhere.

Compared to other fuels, Liquid Fission Thorium is simply incredible at releasing energy:

  • Liquid Fission Thorium Machines have an energy return ratio of 2,000:1
  • For solid fuel fission, it is 75:1
  • For coal and gas, it is around 30:1
  • For wind it is a mere 3.9:1
  • For solar it is only 1.6:1*
    *Source: Australian Government

Data from ANSTO, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation of the Australian government.

Two more significant advantages of Liquid Fission Thorium Machines is that they can consume all of the existing stockpiles of spent nuclear fuel. Even more impressive is that the tiny amount that remains need only be contained for 300 years before it essentially ‘dirt’ again. This compared to the present technology of solid fission uranium which needs more than 100,000 years to normal levels.

What about Renewable energy?

Warren Buffet Does Renewables Only for Subsidies

Bill Gates Doesn’t Like Them

Bill Gates Slams Unreliable Wind and Solar Energy

Renewable energy should only be a tiny part of the solution to the looming energy crisis. In this short clip, Bill Gates shows his frustration that some people do not understand that renewables alone are not the answer.

Note this is from someone that invested $1bn of his own money into the renewable energy sector.

Resource Crunch

Even if renewables somehow worked, there isn’t enough minerals in earth to build out what is required to get to “Zero Carbon”. Building more renewables is only going to increase energy prices higher, higher and higher.

Germany is an example of a failed green plan: €1.5 Trillion invested over 20+ years; energy prices double that of nuclear neighbour France; no change in CO2 output; burning coal when wind and solar isn’t working. Now investing €690 million euros per year to shut down the French nuclear industry as the only way for Germany to remain competitive in Europe: drive up French energy prices to match theirs.

ElementZero Carbon Demand (Tonnes)**Global Reserves (USGS 2022, Tonnes)Global Reserves as % of Demand
Copper6 161 095 584880 000 00014.3%
Nickel1 251 201 02795 000 0007.6%
Lithium1 274 159 81422 000 0001.7%
Cobalt292 940 3677 600 002.6%
Graphite12 123 649 713320 000 0002.6%
Vanadium923 955 38524 000 0002.6%
Resource Crunch – We Simply Don’t Have Enough Metals in Planet Earth

** Peer reviewed study from a trusted Nordic government agency.

The drive to Zero Carbon with renewables takes us over the cliff. There are not enough resources on earth to build a bridge big enough.

It can be done with Liquid Fission Thorium.

Invest an hour on our website and you’ll want to join us. See you soon.